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Keep informed with AP News Get the latest news from North Korea as it happens. The authoritative independent source for news opinion and analysis on North Korea. KCNA Watch is an aggregator of official DPRK media output which updates in real time. Welcome to NORTH KOREA NOW an official North Korea-focused English YouTube channel operated by South. 9 Jan 2024 Kim Jong Un believed to have turned 40 North Korea watchers believe he hit the milestone..

On 14 January 2022 North Korea again tested railway launched KN-23 Two missiles fired from Uiju and traveled 430 km 270 mi On 15 January KCNA released photos of the missile. The KN-23 is a North Korean short-range ballistic missile SRBM first tested in May 2019 The missile flies on a quasi-ballistic trajectory and has a maximum range. . The KN-23 SRBM exemplified a notable advance to the North Korean inventory The May 2019 tests of two KN-23 missiles revealed an atypical flight path. The resumption of missile tests featured three new short-range ballistic missiles known to the outside world as KN-23 KN-24 and KN-25 They can be mounted with nuclear warheads..


Kim Jong-Un North Korean political official who succeeded his father Kim Jong Il as leader of North. By Reuters North Korean leader Kim Jong Un marked the 10th anniversary of the death of his father. Kim Jong Un is the third leader of North Korea He gained power in December 2011 upon the death of his. Kims son and current leader Kim Jong Un attended a state ceremony at Samjiyon city on..

Flag of the Supreme Commander of the Korean Peoples Army 19962002 Flag of the Supreme Commander of the Korean Peoples Army. The national flag of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea consists of a central red panel bordered both above and below by a narrow. National Flag of North Korea Flag of the Provisional Peoples Committee for North Korea A white rectangular background a red. National flag consisting of two horizontal stripes of blue separated from a wide red central stripe by thinner stripes of white. The national flag of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea consists of a central red panel bordered both above and below by a narrow white stripe and..
